Most futures worth pursuing include the following features:
reducing fossil fuel dependency, healthy food near ones home, vibrant public spaces accessible to all, more and nicer walking spaces, many options to shelter people. I've written an eleven page document outlining why and how our single-family residential neighbourhoods need to change and a vehicle for that change. I've outlined a means of rezoning that would lend vibrancy and life into a too-often sterile and isolating environment. Copy & paste the link for a 10 minute read. |
A look at the contents of "Proposal for Resilient Neighbourhood Zoning" Table of Contents 1 Background 3 1.1 Difficult times 3 1.2 Zoning explained 3 1.3 A Bit of History 4 1.4 Urban Sprawl 4 1.5 Consumerism vs conservation 4 2 A New Kind of Zoning for the 21st century 5 2.1 What Is Resilient Neighbourhood Zoning? 5 2.2 Possible outcomes 5 2.3 Transportation- 7 2.4 Ghettos vs Integrating low income residents 7 2.5 We need spaces for Tiny houses- 8 2.6 Commercial activities 9 3 Saving tax dollars 9 4 Implementation 10 4.1 A strong majority approval 10 4.2 Mapping 10 4.3 Role of the Neighbourhood Association 10 4.4 A word about process 11 4.5 What could the city do to help? 11 4.6 Conclusion 11 |